When you’re ready to sell a car, there are multiple ways to do it. You could sell it yourself to a private buyer, you could trade it in to a dealership, or you could sell it to a company like Cash 4 Cars. Today, we’re discussing selling to private buyers and a few things you should consider before choosing this option.

Are You in a Hurry?
Selling a car yourself sounds pretty straightforward. You can park it at the end of your driveway with a “For Sale” sign on it, post it on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist, and use word-of-mouth to get the job done. And yes, eventually you will likely find a buyer; however, it will probably take some time. Often, when people look to sell a vehicle, they want it done as quickly as possible. So ask yourself a couple of questions: Do you have the space to store the car until it sells? Do you need the money from the sale to put towards your new vehicle? Bottom line: If you need to sell your car quickly, selling it yourself is likely not the right choice.
Do You Want Top Dollar?
This may seem like an obvious question, but ask yourself: Do you want to get top dollar for your vehicle? When you sell your car to a private buyer, they are most likely going to try and haggle with you to get a lower price. While you don’t have to agree to this lower price, you may be tempted to, especially if you’ve been waiting a while for a buyer. When you sell to Cash 4 Cars, you get the best value for your car based on the current used car market.
Is Your Car in Bad Shape?
Is your car a bit of a junker? There’s no shame in driving a car until it quits – you got your money’s worth out of it! However, chances are, no one is going to want to buy it from you. If your vehicle has major mechanical or cosmetic problems, you’re going to have a very hard time finding a buyer on your own. However, when you choose Cash 4 Cars, you can be sure we will buy your car no matter what condition it is in.
Instead of spending time and effort finding a buyer for your car, choose Cash 4 Cars. We’ll give you the best value for your car, and you’ll leave with cash in hand. Contact us today at (215) 805-3100, or get a quick quote now. We serve the Philadelphia area, including Bensalem, Levittown, and Northeast Philadelphia.